Green Steel for Europe supports the EU towards achieving the 2030 climate and energy targets and the 2050 long-term strategy for a climate neutral Europe, with effective solutions for clean steelmaking. Totalling 10 partners (including a think tank, research and technology organisations, a European industrial association and a European technology platform), the project consortium relies on the best mix of skills and expertise and allows for full coverage of the EU Member States and steelmaking installations.
The general objective sets out the ambitious scope of the project, namely to support the EU towards attaining the 2030 climate and energy targets and the 2050 long-term strategy for a climate neutral Europe, with effective solutions for clean steelmaking. The general objective is broken down into four specific objectives: (i) developing a technology roadmap and defining mid- and long-term pathways for the decarbonisation of the EU steel industry; (ii) identifying public and private funding opportunities and proposing blending and sequencing options to maximise their impacts; (iii) assessing the economic, social, environmental and industrial leadership impacts of EU-level policy options; and (iv) ensuring the dissemination of the project results and engagement of relevant EU stakeholders.
The following data collection methods will be employed: desk research, in-depth semi-structured interviews, online surveys, World-Café style workshops and an open public consultation. An impact assessment will be conducted as part of the project, relying on methods such as multi-criteria analysis and cost-benefit analysis.
Through its innovative approach consisting of the combined assessment of promising technologies, industrial transformation scenarios, and policy options and impacts, Green Steel for Europe will effectively contribute to the sustainable decarbonisation of the steel industry. Ultimately, the project will help position the EU as a leading provider of low-carbon products, services and advanced technologies in steelmaking, and support the green transition and fight against climate change on a global scale.
The public results of the GREENSTEEL project are available for download in this section.
WP1: Technology roadmapping
- Technology assessment and roadmapping (Deliverable 1.2): report
- Preliminary findings from stakeholder consultation (Deliverable 1.3): report
- Collection of possible decarbonisation barriers (Deliverable 1.5): report
- Synopsis report of consultation activities WP1 (Deliverable 1.6): report
- Decarbonisation pathways 2030 and 2050 (Deliverable 1.7): report
WP2 : Investment and funding
- Investment needs (Deliverable 2.2): report
- Funding opportunities to decarbonise the EU steel industry (Deliverable 2.4): report
- Guidelines and approaches for using funding in line with technological developments (Deliverable 2.5): report
- Synopsis report of consultation activities under WP2 (Deliverable 2.6): report
WP3 : Impact assessment
- Impact assessment (Deliverable 3.2): report
- Synopsis report of consultation activities under WP3 (Deliverable 3.3): report
Final report:
- Climate-neutral steelmaking in Europe: decarbonisation pathways, investment needs, policy conditions and recommendations: report