POLIMP explored knowledge gaps about implications of possible directions of international climate policies for different policy and decision-making levels. It covered these gaps with knowledge packages derived from stakeholder consultation, analysis of climate policy decision at national, EU and international policy levels, and review of ongoing research. POLIMP was a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7).
The scientific and technical project objectives of POLIMP are presented below:
• Identify knowledge gaps on the implications for EU stakeholders of possible directions of climate policy making during the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and, after that, as a result of negotiations under the “Durban Platform”.
• Collect and synthesize knowledge of possible climate policy directions and their implications in terms of: governance (centralized multilateral or scope for decentralized, bilateral climate actions), applicability of all current policy mechanisms in climate agreements, such as market based mechanisms (ETS, CDM, JI etc.), embedding of climate change priorities in countries’ national economic, environmental and social priorities in NAMAs, Low Emission Development Strategies, National Adaptation Plans, and potential for and support of international low-emission and climate- resilient technology transfer within different sectors (energy, transport, industry, land use and forestry).
• With these information packages, support policy and decision makers in taking well-informed decisions, thereby reducing uncertainties and mitigating the risk that decisions are taken against poorly-understood climate policy contexts, and build awareness among the society as a whole of costs of and opportunities for future climate policies.
• Track down links between the outcome of the UNFCCC negotiations and EU-level and domestic policy actions in selected countries and explore how different UNFCCC climate policy directions would impact these policy actions.
• Facilitate communication among various research components and knowledge dissemination among various stakeholder groups.
POLIMP supported the formulation of shared visions on future climate policy developments by organizing a structured debate that led to the following achievements:
• Involving a wide range of stakeholders groups,
• Concentrating on a limited set of targeted priorities, so that the discussions staged in the workshops could revolve around a clearly identified focus,
• Limiting the size of the thematic groups, so that contributors could have a real chance of voicing their views, and
• Ensuring extended geographical coverage and representation in all activities, thanks to the participation in the network activities of experts from EU Member States.
Scaling Up and Intensifying Stakeholders Engagement for Evidence-Based Policymaking: Lessons Learned by Karakosta, Charikleia and Fujiwara, Noriko (2020). In: Saleem Hashmi and Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury (eds.). Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, vol. 1, pp. 773-782. Oxford: Elsevier.
POLIMP Synthesis Policy Brief: EU Climate Policy after Paris by Noriko Fujiwara and Erwin Hofman (27 April 2016)
3rd POLIMP Policy Brief on European Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the EU ETS by Noriko Fujiwara, Charikleia Karakosta, Aleksander Szpor, Andreas Tuerk and Erwin Hofman (15 April 2015)
POLIMP Working Document Series: 2nd Issue. How do stakeholders view the EU ETS?Diversity and differentiation of interests by Noriko Fujiwara Chara Karakosta Aleksander Szpor Andreas Tuerk Erwin Hofman (08 May 2015)