This study discusses the challenges concerning bank valuation reports in resolution. The resolution mechanism has three types of valuation reports, respectively to determine whether a bank is failing or likely to fail (valuation 1), to inform the use of the resolution tools including bail-in (valuation 2), and to ensure that the no creditor worse off condition is respected (valuation 3). The first experience with the preparation of valuation reports shows that even with the more formal procedures there are still substantial uncertainties regarding the outcome of these valuations due to organisational, legal and economic challenges. Additional mitigating measures should be considered to reduce the uncertainty.
This project was awarded under the Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the field of banking resolution (IP/A/ECON-BU/FWC/2015-057/LOT2) with the European Parliament. The full list of CEPS’ Framework Contracts is available here.