CEPS Project

Increasing the capacity of the Romanian government to implement EU restrictive measures


CEPS was charged with ‘Task 3: Assessing the level of awareness about restrictive measures among stakeholders and propose improvements’. As such, interviews with officials of EU institutions and the Council of Europe were conducted with the aim of capturing views on aspects such as: how awareness and communication can be improved in general at EU level in the area of restrictive measures, examples of Member States that have particular good practices in the area, shortcomings/issues the respective bodies are aware off in the area of awareness and communication for restrictive measures, any specific recommendation for Member States in the area.

Interviews covered the following bodies:

  • Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
  • Sanctions Division under the European External Action Service (EEAS)
  • Moneyval Committee – Financial Action Task Force/Council of Europe
  • Foreign Relations Counsellors Working Party of the EU Council

This project was awarded under the Framework Contract for the support to structural reforms in EU Member States — lot 1: support for the development and implementation of reforms (n SRSS/FWC2017/002) with the European Commission, DG REFORM. The full list of CEPS’ Framework Contracts is available here.


Steven Blockmans

Associate Senior Research Fellow