CEPS Project

NATO pre-Summit Think Tank Symposium


Transatlantic relations will remain at the core of the global order. As the transatlantic community navigates shared challenges such as Russia’s war in Ukraine, Chinese revisionism, climate change, and disruptive technologies, transatlantic unity of intent and purpose guide security and defence policymaking. One outstanding challenge, however, is the lack of consolidated and iterative platforms to discuss Euro-Atlantic integration and transatlantic affairs in Brussels and beyond. Expertise is diffused across the Alliance, with think tanks, academia, and civil society organisations contributing in atomised (nationally focused) ways to debates about the future of transatlantic security and practical ways to bring cooperation forward.

In this context, CEPS will organise and host a two-day in-person NATO Think Tank Symposium of approximately 20 think tank experts, civil society representatives, and academics from across the NATO Alliance and in NATO partner countries to discuss a broad range of NATO-related policies and initiatives in the run-up to Washington Summit. The Symposium will include panel discussions open to the public as well as closed-door roundtable discussions together with NATO officials and NATO Allied government officials. CEPS also commits to (co-)writing op-ed style expert commentaries for CEPS’ website and/or other media channels. Additionally, CEPS will produce a final Symposium report on the discussions held proposing concrete recommendations for next steps in transatlantic security. Select CEPS Young Thinkers will participate in the Symposium to ensure a diversity of young voices are represented and empowered to speak.


Dylan Macchiarini Crosson

Steven Blockmans

Associate Senior Research Fellow

Camille Ford

Sergen Kizilhan

Project Assistant

In-person event is over

The NATO Washington Summit: Reinforcing NATO, supporting Ukraine, strengthening Europe

Russia, Ukraine and European security,Foreign and security policy

Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.