CEPS Project

Disclosure, Inducements and Suitability Rules for Retail Investors Study


The purpose of the project is to:

– Identify potential redundancies, inconsistencies, overlaps and gaps in the regulatory disclosure, suitability assessment and inducements-related rules for the products in scope of the study;

– Provide empirical evidence on the practical implementation of all the rules in scope, especially with regard to the availability, clarity, comparability, level/degree of digitalisation and understandability of information provided to retail investors in relation to the different categories of products covered;

– Assess the effect of existing inducement-related rules (including under MiFID II and IDD) on the provision of investment advice;

– Assess the effect that existing rules, their implementation, and prevailing market practices have on the ability of retail investors to understand risks, costs, and potential returns, and to compare and choose among the available products those that are suitable for them.

Cosmina Amariei