CEPS Task Force

Transport and Climate Change


CEPS launches a new Task Force which deals with “EU Transport Policy – Innovation, Integration and 21st Century Infrastructure”.
The transport sector is a strategic sector, which is fundamental to all economic activity. However, EU transport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are rising quickly. Accounting for almost a quarter of total EU GHG emissions, control and ultimately reduction of them will be a precondition for the new EU climate change strategy that remains in tatters post-Copenhagen. More importantly, decarbonisation of the transport sector is essential for the low carbon technology race that is unfolding.

Depending on the preferences of the Task Force members, CEPS proposes to focus on the following principal issues:

  • Potential need (and scope) for a hard GHG emissions target in transport at sector, mode or economy level
  • Link between efficient pricing and infrastructure finance
  • Customer responsiveness as a precondition for success
  • Transformation of fossil fuel based road transport: how quick and with what tools?

For detailed information on this Task Force please see the Prospectus at the bottom of this page.

Chair: Arie van Bleijenberg, Manager of Business Unit Mobility and Logistics, TNO Netherlands

Arno Behrens, CEPS Research Fellow
Christian Egenhofer, Senior Research Fellow, CEPS
Vasileios Rizos, Researcher, CEPS
Monica Alessi, Programme Manager, CEPS

1st meeting: 17 January 2011 (agenda)
2nd meeting: 27 April 2011 (agenda)
3rd meeting: 17 May 2011 (agenda)
4th (last) meeting: 26 September 2011 (agenda)

Prospectus (incl. Registration Form and Agenda of 1st Meeting)
Short introduction to the Task Force

Presentations 1st meeting
The EU should not shy away from setting CO2-related targets for transport (CEPS Policy Brief No. 229/January 2011) – Christian Egenhofer, CEPS
EU Policy Choices. Short Introduction to the Task Force & Presentation of an Issues Paper – Christian Egenhofer, CEPS
Biogas potential – Henrik Forsgren, Göteborg Energi
CO2 reductions in road transport:Cost-effective measures for the next decade – Kai Lücke, Robert Bosch GmbH
GHG emissions: the problem of transport – Johannes Ludewig, CER

Presentations 2nd meeting
Historic Growth of Passenger Travel and Freight Transport – Arno Behrens, CEPS
The economics if transport pricing: what do we know? – Christian Egenhofer & Anton Georgiev, CEPS
Logistics trends – Carsten Hess, Deutsche Post DHL
Why are transport projections often wrong? – Hans Nijland, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
Community financing of TEN-T – Jorge Nunez Ferrer, CEPS
Fuelling EU Transport: The Dash for Energy Efficiency – Harald Schnieder, EUROPIA
Projected growth in demand & CO2 emissions – Marek Šturc, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Pricing policies for reducing CO2 emissions from transport – Huib van Essen, Manager Transport CE Delft

Presentations 3rd meeting
Where do we stand? An Interim Overview – Arie Bleijenberg, Chair of the Task Force
A perspective from the rail sector – Edward Christie & Matthew Ledbury, CER
Fuelling EU Transport. The Dash for Energy Efficiency – Harald Schnieder, europia
Low hanging fruit and best incentive towards transport emissions reduction – Jacques de Selliers, Ir, Managing Director, Going-Electric, Association for Electric Vehicles in Europe
Low hanging fruits: Natural Gas Vehicles can reduce CO2 by 25% – Alexander Dinse, Konzernforschung Umwelt, Strategie & Mobilität, Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft
Picking the low-hanging fruit now rather than later – Per Kågeson, Nature Associates
Incentives to Promote Low Carbon Transport – Stephen Perkins, OECD
Low hanging fruits: Lightweight hang on part – Patrik Ragnarsson, Automotive & Transport Technical Manager, European Aluminium Association

Find the presentations given on 13 June 2013 at the Transport Workshop “Strategies for the transition to electric mobility” here.
Find the presentations given on 24 June 2013 at the Transport Workshop “What system of standards for vehicles and fuels in the future?” here.
Find the presentations given on 2 July 2013 at the Transport Workshop “How to align incentives for GHG emissions reductions across the EU, member states and local governments?” here.

Task Force Report published, available for free download here.
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Christian Egenhofer

Associate Senior Research Fellow

Vasileios Rizos

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Sustainable Resources and Circular Economy

+32 (0)2 229 39 74

Monica Alessi

Programme Manager

+32 2 229 39 10