The CEPS Carbon Market Forum Task Force on the CDM Policy Review is the second initiative of the CEPS Carbon Market Forum, a three-year umbrella programme for carbon market-related activities, which will provide a neutral space where policy-makers and regulators can meet carbon market stakeholders to discuss carbon market regulation, and general policy issues. The CEPS Carbon Market Forum is headed by Andrei Marcu.
The CDM Executive Board launched at the end of 2011 a policy dialogue whose aim was to look at the CDM in light of the changing environment in which it operates, and make recommendation to ensure that it is well positioned to continue to contribute to the efforts to address climate change. This dialogue was led by a High Level Panel, which released a report in September 2012.
The involvement of the CEPS Carbon Market Forum has to be seen in light of its mandate to contribute to policy formation in the EU. As the debate on the CDM has been very engaged in Brussels, and in the EU, it is important that these views be provided to the High Level Panel (HLP) and its deliberations, through the CEPS Carbon Market Forum.
The Task Force is chaired by Dirk Forrister, CEO of IETA, with Andrei Marcu acting as Rapporteur. The CCMF “TF on CDM Review” seeks to provide its input through:
- input into the original call for submissions from the (HLP) which were due in January 2012.
- Hosted open meetings of the Task Force on March 23rd and September 14th, 2012 in Brussels.
- Issued a report in October 2012 as a respons to the HLP ‘Call to Action’
- Provided input to any further requests for submissions from the High level Panel
- Participated in other events with the High Level Panel, such as in Carbon Expo, May SB meetings, etc
- A “Final Report”
- Restarted discussion on the CDM Modalities and Procedures during a meeting on February 15th, 2013
- Will issue a submission to the SBI by March 25th
- Will continue to engage on the subject leading to the CoP 19 in Warsaw
We envisage participation from the European Commission and EU member states to the extent possible in these meetings, as well as other EU stakeholders.
Chair: Dirk Forrister, CEO of the International Emissions Trading Association
Rapporteur: Andrei Marcu, Senior Advisor and Head of the CEPS Carbon Market Forum
1st meeting: 23 March 2012 – Agenda
2nd meeting (Brussels): 14 September 2012- Agenda – Summary
3rd meeting: 15 February 2013 – Agenda
Presentations 2nd meeting:
Report of High Level Panel on CDM, Initial Responses – Future Impacts, Dirk Forrister, President and CEO, IETA
Climate Change, Carbon Markets and the CDM: A Call to Action, Report of the High-Level Panel on the CDM Policy Dialogue
Summary of the 2nd meeting
Presentations 3rd meeting:
Review of the CDM modalities and procedures: Objectives and process, Robin Rix, Lead, Strategy Development, UNFCCC secretariat, Sustainable Development Mechanisms programme
Views on the review: Process, purpose, scope, Jeff Swartz, Director, International Policy, IETA
PD Forum / DI&A meeting, London 8th Feb. Review of the CDM M&P, Gareth Phillips, Chair, Project Developer Forum
Views on the review: Process, purpose, scope, Martin Cames, Head Energy & Climate (Berlin), Öko-Institut e.V.
Review of the Clean Development Mechanism, Laurence Mortier, Swiss Confederation
CDM reform for the cement industry – continued UNFCCC / CSI discussions, Rob van der Meer, HeidelbergCement
CDM 2.0, Solvay
How the UNFCCC mechanisms fit together, Sindicatum
Carbon Market Watch: CDM Policy Dialogue – Views on the Review
Marcu, A. (2012) The Future of the Clean Development Mechanism. Note on the report “A Call to Action” of the High-Level Panel on CDM Policy Dialogue Submission to the European Commission, 5 October.
Andrei Marcu, CEPS Senior Advisor and Head of the CEPS Carbon Market Forum,
Kerstin Born-Sirkel, CEPS Director of Corporate and External Relations,
Christian Egenhofer, CEPS Senior Fellow, Head of the Energy and Climate Change Programme,