CEPS Project

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration – EGEI


The Master Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI) is a two-year (120 ECTS) program fully taught in English, aiming at satisfying an increasing demand for academically trained economists who have the skills to competently analyse issues of globalisation and economic integration, make relevant policy or strategic recommendations in the public and private sector, and acquire these competences in a truly global learning environment.

These skills are all the more necessary as the economic and political fall-out of the Great Recession crisis leads to continued questioning of the mechanisms of globalisation, and a backlash against further steps in integration. The development of nationalist and populist parties, current Trade Wars and the ‘Brexit’, and the Institutional and political caos that followed from these events, show that even the process of integration may be called into question.

In this context, the main objectives of the Master EGEI are the following:

• Become a top global program for the study of the economics of regional integration leveraging on the unique European experience but with a global scope;

• Train young professionals with solid theoretical knowledge on the socio-economic determinants and effects of complex global interactions;

• Provide state of the art analytical tools for the empirical analysis of the international economy;

• Promote the general capabilities to work in data-intensive job-contexts by developing students’ abilities to manage large database, apply correct methodologies for analysing data, develop skills for correctly interpret results;

• Complement a high-level expertise in international economics with a solid background in International Law and Institutions as well as International Business;

• Adopt effective and novel teaching methodologies combining and blending traditional place-based classroom with online and distance delivery;

• Offer to our students a global learning experience through mobility in at least 3 different countries;

• Facilitate the study-work transition boosting interactions with non-academic partners and via a curricular internship in Academia, or private firms, or National and International Public Sector Institutions.

Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit

+32 (0)2 229 39 58