CEPS Project


Employment 2025: How multiple transitions will affect the European labour market


NEUJOBS was a research project financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The project consisted of 29 partners and 23 Work Packages (WP). NEUJOBS objective was to analyse likely future developments in the European labour market(s), in view of four major transitions that are impacting employment and European societies in general. The first of these transitions is the socio-ecological one: a comprehensive change in the patterns of social organisation and culture, production and consumption that will drive humanity beyond the current industrial model towards a more sustainable future. The second is the societal transition produced by the combination of population ageing, low fertility rates, changing family structures, urbanisation and growing female employment. The third transition concerns new territorial dynamics and the balance between agglomeration and dispersion forces. The fourth is a skills (upgrading) transition and the partners were interested in its likely consequences for employment and (in) equality. The project combined EU-wide studies based on existing datasets with national comparative research dealing with one country from each welfare typology. The output is based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative analysis and foresight activities. Special attention was given to policy-making.

Miroslav Beblavy

Former member State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Slovakia

Ana Silva

Project Officer

+32 (0)2 229 39 83

Monica Alessi

Programme Manager

+32 2 229 39 10