Intereconomics publishes papers dealing with economic and social policy issues in or affecting Europe. The journal is published jointly by CEPS and Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (for full content see The Editorial contains brief comments on current questions of economic policy. In the Forum, several authors (researchers, politicians, representatives of trade unions and of employers associations, etc.) voice their opinions on one particular current economic policy problem.
Intereconomics has a streamlined editorial process which allows it to quickly publish timely papers while they can still inform and influence policy makers. The editorial board of Intereconomics works in close cooperation with the editorial board of its sister publication Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, which is published in German.
Please click on the links below for the latest archives:
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.6 November/December 2019: Industrial Implications of Decarbonisation
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.5 September/October 2019: Public Debt and Growth in Times of Low Interest Rates
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.4 July/August 2019: Data-Driven Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.3 May/June 2019: Fair and Sustainable Taxation in the EU
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.2 March/April 2019: The Euro at 20
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 54, No.1 January/February 2019: Economic Convergence or Divergence in the EU?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.6 November/December 2018: Looking at the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.5 September/October 2018 : The European Response to a Challenging World Trade Regime
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.4 July/August 2018: What We Can Learn from the Nordic Model
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.3 May/June 2018: A New Economic Paradigm
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.2 March/April 2018: Solving the European Productivity Puzzle
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 53, No.1 January/February 2018: Nudging in Public Policy: Application, Opportunities and Challenges
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.6 November/December 2017: Regulating the Platform Economy: How to Protect Workers While Promoting Innovation
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.5 September/October 2017: Integration of Immigrants in European Labour Markets
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.4 July/August 2017: The European Digital Single Market
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.3 May/June 2017: A Fiscal Stabilisation Function for the Eurozone
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.2 March/April 2017: Universal Basic Income: The Promise vs the Practicalities
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 52, No.1 January/February 2017: Inefficient Inequality: The Economic Costs of Gender Inequality in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.6 November/December 2016: New Growth for Europe – On Investment, Crisis Management and Growth Potential
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.5 September/October 2016: The Post-Brexit European Union
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.4 July/August 2016: Europe’s Path Towards the Socio-Ecological Transition
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.3 March/April 2016: Ageing in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.2 March/April 2016: Wealth and Income Inequality in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 51, No.1 January/February 2016: 50 Years of European Integration
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.6 November/December 2015: TTIP: Political and Economic Rationale and Implications
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.5 September/October 2015: Structural Reforms in the EU – Policy Prescriptions to Boost Productivity
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.4 July/August 2015: The Future of the European Power Market
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.3 May/June 2015: Which Industrial Policy Does Europe Need?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.2 March/April 2015: Currency Interventions: Effective Policy Tool or Shortsighted Gamble?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 50, No.1 January/February 2015: The Impact of Horizon 2020 on Innovation in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.6 November/December 2014: Crisis-Induced Fiscal Restructuring in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.5 September/October 2014: Energy Policy: European, National, Regional?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.4 July/August 2014: Designing a European Unemployment Insurance Scheme
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.3 May/June 2014: Labour Mobility in the EU: Dynamics, Patterns and Policies
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.2 March/April 2014: Financial Systems in Financial Crisis – An Analysis of Banking Systems in the EU
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 49, No.1 January/February 2014: European Parliament Elections in Times of Crisis
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.6 November/December 2013: Inequality in Europe: What Can Be Done? What Should Be Done?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.5 September/October 2013: EU Data Protection Reform: Opportunities and Concerns
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.4 July/August 2013: Youth Unemployment
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.3 May/June 2013: The Regulation of Water Services in the EU
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.2 March/April 2013: Convergence in the EU
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 48, No.1 January/February 2013: Austerity Measures in Crisis Countries – Results and Impact on Mid-term Development
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.6 November/December 2012: The Common Agricultural Policy After 2013
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.5 September/October 2012: Citizens’ Europe: Crowded Out by Economic Focus
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.4 July/August 2012: The Welfare State After the Great Recession
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.3 May/June 2012: Green Growth
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.2 March/April 2012: The Financial Transaction Tax – Boon or Bane?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 47, No.1 January/February 2012: Challenges Facing European Labour Markets: Is a Skill Upgrade the Appropriate Instrument?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.6 November/December 2011: Is the Global Economy on the Brink of Recession?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.5 September/October 2011: Credit Rating Agencies: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.4 July/August 2011: The Euro – a Story of Misunderstanding
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.3 May/June 2011: Does Europe Need a Comprehensive Energy Policy?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.2 March/April 2011: The European Single Market – How Far from Completion?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 46, No.1 January/February 2011: “Effective Competition” in Telecommunications, Rail and Energy Markets
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.6 November/December 2010: Eight Months Later – Has the Eurozone Been Stabilised or Will EMU Fall Apart?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.5 September/October 2010: Drivers and Impediments for Innovation in Europe
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.4 July/August 2010: “An Ungovernable Anarchy”: The United States’ Response to Depression and Default, 1837-1848
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.3 May/June 2010: Europe 2020 – A Promising Strategy?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.2 March/April 2010: Challenges Facing European Monetary Union
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 45, No.1 January/February 2010: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Real Economy
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.6 November/December 2009: Why Europe Needs a Policy on Inequality
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.5 September/October 2009: The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on World Trade and Trade Policy
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.4 July/August 2009: The Effect of the Financial Crisis on Systemic Trust
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.3 May/June 2009: Common Euro Bonds: Necessary, Wise or to be Avoided?
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.2 March/April 2009: Reforming the International Financial System
- INTERECONOMICS, Vol 44, No.1 January/February 2009: Preventing Recession in Europe: National vs. European Approaches