Since its launch in 2021, the Global Gateway strategy has been positioned as the EU’s primary partnership tool, among others, to project European influence and values abroad and/or to safeguard European contributions to industrial value chains. Three years later, the strategy needs to show some concrete outcomes if it’s to fulfil its ambitions. However, the […]
To achieve the objectives of security and competitiveness the EU will absolutely need to prioritise its enlargement policy, defence strategy and global partnerships over the coming years to 2030 and beyond. To make the EU fit for 30+ members, it will have to start by reforming its enlargement methodology towards a ‘staged accession’ procedure and […]
The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), is a geoeconomic project that propels infrastructure connectivity higher than ever onto the geopolitical agenda of global powers. Its announcement at the 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit leaves no doubt – India is in the driving seat, and the starting point for a corridor connecting East to West. The […]
What is Global Gateway’s unique offer? How does it beat the competition? Why is Global Gateway a values-based offer and what does this entail in practical terms? Amid criticism and comparisons, the EU’s Global Gateway deserves scrutiny and effort to define its purpose and added value, both within and outside the EU. Initially designed as […]
The European Political Community (EPC) aims to enhance and channel dialogue and cooperation throughout the continent with a focus on security, stability, and prosperity. Yet amidst the labyrinthine challenges of geopolitics, the EPC finds itself at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of high-level dialogue while still searching for its real purpose before it can […]
There were two major outcomes from the G20 Summit for Europe: a toned-down statement on Ukraine, and the announcement of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). To put it plainly, one negative, one positive. Taking a closer look at both can lead to vastly different conclusions on the EU’s changing role in geopolitics and global […]
China is without a doubt a key trading partner for the EU – 9 % of its goods exports and more than 20 % of its goods imports, and this is not expected to change anytime soon. Nevertheless, the EU’s trade and investment relations with China have become increasingly unbalanced and they are to some […]
2023 started with a wave of change and commitment in EU-Brazil relations, with the official start of Lula’s third-time presidency and a long-awaited reunion of EU-Mercosur chief negotiators. There is momentum to find lasting consensus on trade relations and seize opportunities in the Brazil-EU Strategic Partnership and the EU’s role in Latin America. In this […]
The EU Global Gateway strategy aims to mobilise EUR 300 billion between 2021 and 2027 to invest in major infrastructure development around the world, to “boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport and strengthen health, education and research systems across the world”. One of the key priorities of the Global Gateway is […]
On 14 December, leaders from the EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will meet for an inter-regional summit in Brussels, the first ever of its kind. From the Indo-Pacific to European shores, geopolitical tensions around the Sino-American rivalry and the erosion of rules-based multilateral frameworks promise to hang over the summit like […]