Tag: labour


Humanising EU migration policy

EU migration policy does not sufficiently take into account the real-life circumstances, situations, and changing statuses of aspiring third country nationals migrating to, or residing in, the EU territory. This Report contributes to the AspirE Project (Asian prospects in (re)migration to/within the EU), adopting its humanisation approach to research and investigation. Mapping a range of […]


Studying poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

As European labour markets become increasingly digitalised, concerns about inequality and poverty are increasing. This study, completed for the European Commission, seeks to investigate these concerns further. Part A focuses on how prepared EU Member States are to manage the digital transformation in a socially fair manner. It develops 27 country fiches assessing the current […]

In Brief

The skill challenges posed by Covid-19

The impacts of lockdowns in response to the Covid-19 outbreak have been asymmetric across different economic sectors, depending on the degree of social contact needed to perform the activity but also on the use of technology.[1] The measures being taken to contain the spread of the pandemic are accelerating ongoing transformations in the economy and […]