EU migration policy does not sufficiently take into account the real-life circumstances, situations, and changing statuses of aspiring third country nationals migrating to, or residing in, the EU territory. This Report contributes to the AspirE Project (Asian prospects in (re)migration to/within the EU), adopting its humanisation approach to research and investigation. Mapping a range of […]
This Policy Brief largely draws from the key findings of an EU-level report produced for the EU-funded AspirE project, and interviews held with EU officials within the context of this project. It focuses on policy issues impacting the EU’s current regular migration policy on how people who are not from an EU country – third […]
This ASILE Project Webinar aims at discussing the immediate EU policy responses to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. It will pay particular attention to the key issues characterizing the recent activation of the 2001 EU Temporary Protection Directive. The event will cover the key issues and challenges regarding the adoption and implementation of the […]
Since the early 1990s, the European Union has put a big emphasis on the management of irregular migration and the ‘secondary movements’ of asylum seekers and refugees inside the Schengen Area. This report examines EU policies designed to manage the irregular movements of asylum-seekers and refugees from selected African and Asian countries, and what the EU calls ‘secondary movements’ inside the Schengen […]