Tag: labour market


Creating sustainable labour markets through eco-social policies

Labour markets influence the way we produce and consume, thus playing an important role for both human wellbeing and the environment. Implementing labour market changes could help fulfil people’s needs within planetary boundaries. This would require an integrated understanding of social-ecological issues. However, despite the EU just transition’s aim to address the social impacts of […]


Studying poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

As European labour markets become increasingly digitalised, concerns about inequality and poverty are increasing. This study, completed for the European Commission, seeks to investigate these concerns further. Part A focuses on how prepared EU Member States are to manage the digital transformation in a socially fair manner. It develops 27 country fiches assessing the current […]


An analysis of Industrial Relations and Gender Equality at European and National level

Gender equality is a fundamental value and right promoted by the EU. Significant progress has been achieved over the past few decades, but gender inequalities persist, particularly in the labour market. Social partners, and more broadly industrial relations, are central to understanding the functioning of European labour markets as they shape the work environment. Institutional […]


A renewed EU approach for Jobs and Skills

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the European labour markets and led to an acceleration in digitalisation and the adoption of new technology on a larger scale. In addition to this, if the European Green Deal becomes a successful growth strategy, it will set in motion a profound industrial transformation towards a greener economy. Such a […]


Labour market responses to the Covid-19 crisis in the United States and Europe

Labour markets have reacted very differently to the Covid-19 crisis. In the US, the impact on unemployment rates was rapid across all states. They increased sharply in March and April 2020 and recovered steadily thereafter. In Europe, by contrast, unemployment increased far less, and the adjustment was more gradual. This difference in unemployment responsiveness is […]


How can social partners and policies boost return to work after serious illness?

With the welfare state under pressure from population ageing and chronic illnesses jeopardising the labour market inclusion of an increasing number of workers, measures that promote reintegration after sick leave are crucial. This policy brief outlines recommendations for social partners on how they can contribute to supporting the return to work of individuals who have […]


Shaping return to work policy

Belgium faces long-lasting challenges regarding the labour market activation of vulnerable groups, which includes people with health conditions and disabled people.  As part of the “Negotiating return to work in the age of demographic change through industrial relations (REWIR)” project, this working paper explores the role played by industrial relations actors in Belgium in designing […]


Shaping return to work policy

This working paper examines the European Union policy framework on return to work after chronic disease and the potential for EU industrial relations actors to contribute to shaping policy in this area. It is part of the “Negotiating return to work in the age of demographic change through industrial relations (REWIR)” project. The project website: https://www.celsi.sk/en/projects/detail/64/