At first glance, the EU’s 2024-29 policy cycle may appear focused on the technical implementation of the vast amount of climate legislation agreed under the Fit for 55 package. Yet beneath these technicalities lie important strategic choices. Chief among them is how to boost economic competitiveness while safeguarding climate credibility. Plans for a Clean Industrial […]
The war in Ukraine has upended the European economy, with knock-on effects for gas and carbon prices. While it has reinforced the need to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels – thereby contributing to climate policy objectives – the social implications of climate and energy policy have also been pushed up the political agenda. There […]
Carbon pricing has been adopted as a key climate policy measure in an increasing number of jurisdictions. With much of the world moving towards net-zero targets since the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, carbon pricing instruments now operate in a different context for climate policy than when economists first proposed them. This report […]