Tag: SMEs


Turbocharging Europe’s innovative SMEs

Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (ISMEs) are not scaled-down versions of large, listed companies. They differ fundamentally in their position in and contribution to the economy and society. It’s thus unlikely that the corporate legal structures, governance and management models for large companies are suitable for ISMEs. To improve the EU’s competitiveness, it’s essential to […]


Digital aspects of the EU Single Market

The Single Market is essential both for internal cohesion and for the EU’s global competitiveness versus the United States and China. It seeks to ensure and enable the free flow of services, goods, capital and people within the EU/EEA; however, none of these four traditional dimensions of the Single Market have been fully achieved – […]


Technical assistance on assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises for the purposes of Article 8(4) of the Energy Efficiency Directive

This study evaluates the scope of Article 8(4) of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Companies that are not small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as defined in EU Recommendation 2003/361/EC1 are currently required to conduct an energy audit every four years. For both the companies concerned and the implementing authorities, it is difficult to determine whether a […]