One year has now passed since the adoption of the RRF Regulation and most of EU Member States have now started to implement their recovery plans. Yet, many questions remain unanswered about the plans’ actual capacity to deliver their stated objectives. The complexity and heterogeneity of the plans makes it not only difficult to compare […]
This Policy Brief analyses to what extent the funds distributed through the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) are used by Member States to finance new projects, thus boosting their economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, which is the primary goal of the RRF. Specifically, this Policy Brief provides an in-depth analysis of the National Recovery Resilience […]
Assessing and comparing national recovery and resilience plans is a particularly difficult exercise. Despite the Commission guidelines on how to draft the plans, these remain largely heterogeneous, hardly comparable and not easily accessible. This study proposes a methodological approach to compare and assess reforms and investments, based on their relevance, effectiveness and coherence, and applies […]
With the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, the debate on fiscal policies and the role of deficits in supporting growth has been completely revamped. Through its unprecedented recovery programme, all EU member states have developed comprehensive Recovery and Resilience plans (NRRPs) that will allow them to positively make use of billions of euros worth of […]
A post pandemic economic recovery? The EU’s joint communication from the EEAS and Commission on a ‘renewed partnership with the southern neighbourhood’, issued in early February, attempts to inject new dynamism into its relations with the region. Many on both sides of the Mediterranean argue that the initiative is badly needed, given the economic and […]