24 Sep 2014

Juncker’s Mission to the New Energy Team: Avoiding the hard choices

Fabio Genoese / Christian Egenhofer

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In his mission letter to Arias Cañete, Jean-Claude Juncker asked the designated Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy to focus on further developing EU policy for renewables in order to “be a world leader in this sector” and on promoting the EU Emissions Trading System “to ensure that we reach our climate goals in a cost-effective way”. Furthermore, he would like Alenka Bratušek, the designated Vice-President for Energy Union, to focus on “completing the internal energy market” and on “increasing competition”. In assessing the feasibility and desirability of this remit, this commentary finds these objectives to be very ambitious but more importantly, partially conflicting, given the state of play in EU energy markets.

Fabio Genoese is Research Fellow and Christian Egenhofer is Senior Research Fellow in the Energy and Climate Change unit at CEPS. This Commentary is one of a series prepared by senior CEPS researchers aimed at contributing to the selection and review process of the new European Commission.