The EU’s recent crises and complex geopolitical landscape means the EU budget should be rethought in terms of crisis management and increasing spending demands. Despite these pressures, future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) discussions are more likely to focus on reallocating existing funds rather than expanding the EU budget. This situation has put cohesion policy, the EU budget’s largest spending item, […]
The call for a European fiscal framework overhaul, already outlined by the EU’s Economic Governance review, has been strengthened by the economic and social impact of the pandemic. Building on the EU objective to achieve a green and just transition, we operationalise and compare two options for a qualified treatment of green and social public […]
On 19 October 2021, the European Commission published a Communication to relaunch the public debate on the review of the EU economic governance framework. A key issue to be discussed is how to ensure sustainable public finances in all Member States when the ‘general escape clause’ is eventually lifted, in place since March 2020. At […]