Tag: EU Data Act

In Brief

In the EU-US data transfer and privacy quarrel, the end is not in sight

Third time wasn’t the charm. After  Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield both met their maker at the hands of the EU’s Court of Justice (CJEU), a new report predicts that the US’  latest attempt to offer adequate protection to EU citizens and residents when it comes to the transfer of their data could be the […]


Reconstitutionalising privacy

Does current US policy offer a level of privacy and rule of law protections that are essentially equivalent to those required in EU law so that transatlantic data transfers are lawful? And can the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) be expected to comprehensively satisfy a legal test by the Court of Justice of the […]


The EU Data Act

On 23 February 2022, the European Commission published its long-awaited legislative proposal for a new Data Act. The proposal marks a significant shift in the EU’s approach to the data economy. It aims to challenge the constitution of data monopolies across various sectors, by reshaping existing power structures that favour large data incumbents and moving […]