The Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity (CESEC) is a major political success for the European Commission and the member states in their bid to integrate Central and South East European (C&SEE) energy systems. CESEC has already made a significant contribution to strengthening the regional and wider European energy security.
Broadening the scope of CESEC to include electricity, renewables and energy efficiency offers a unique opportunity to address energy systems in their full complexity, not just in technological and project ‘silos’. The region of Central and South East Europe has significant energy efficiency, renewables and new technology potential that could be scaled up at low cost.
In this paper, the authors set out a number of proposals for the Terms of Reference for the new CESEC Working Groups to further channel progress in the integration of the Central and South East European energy market.
Christian Egenhofer is Director of CEPS Energy Climate House, Cristian Stroia is a Research Assistant at CEPS Energy Climate House and Julian Popov is a Fellow at the European Climate Foundation; contributions to this paper were also made by Arndt Hassel, Research Assistant and Milan Elkerbout, Researcher at CEPS Energy Climate House.
CEPS series: Policy Insights No. of pages: 13
Available for free downloading from CEPS website © CEPS 2017