CEPS Project

A comparative analysis on media freedom and pluralism in the EU Member States


This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. The authors argue that democratic processesin several EU countries aresuffering fromsystemic failure, with the result that the basic conditions of media pluralism are not present,and,at the same time, that the distortionin media pluralismis hampering theproper functioningof democracy. The study offers a new approach to strengthening media freedom and pluralism,bearing in mindthe different political and social systems of the Member States. The authors propose concrete,enforceableand systematicactions to correct the deficiencies found.

This project was awarded under the Framework Contract for provision of External expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, in the field of Justice and Home Affairs: Respect and promotion of fundamental rights, citizenship and combating discrimination (Lot 2) (IP/C/LIBE/FWC/2013-006/LOT2/C5) with the European Parliament, DG for Internal Policies of the Union. The full list of CEPS’ Framework Contracts is available here.

Miriam Mir Canet

Project Officer

+49 (0)151 41 44 66 52

Lina Vosyliute

Sergio Carrera

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs unit