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The Weather Outside the Bubble:

Place du Congrès, Brussels, Belgium

Participation in this event is free of charge.


The Weather Outside the Bubble:

Presentation of the Eurobarometer on EU Trade


The international trade environment has changed considerably in recent years, as has Europe’s trade policy. On the one hand, the EU has embarked on one of the most ambitious trade negotiation agendas in the world, on the other the foundations of global trade as we know it – multilateralism, and specifically the World Trade Organization (WTO) – are under threat. Key relationships have become more difficult to manage – both at home, and abroad, with China and the US. Additionally, new challenges have emerged such as Brexit. Many of the old presumptions we had about trade are no longer relevant.

In the midst of this, the recent Eurobarometer survey on International Trade provides valuable insights into EU citizens’ views on international trade and globalisation. It analyses views on the benefits of trade and the future priorities for EU trade policy, while providing valuable input for policymakers seeking to make trade work for EU citizens.

At this event, we will look back at what has changed with a discussion with EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström on what these results mean in the context of trade policy developments during her mandate. We will also look forward, with a panel of high-level officials and experts discussing the implications of the Eurobarometer on the future of EU trade policy. We will have representatives from policy makers, the press and consumer associations: Sabine Weyand (Director-General DG Trade), Léa Auffret (Senior Trade Policy Officer, BEUC), Heidi Hautala (MEP, Group of the Greens/EFA) and Joanna Sopinska (Mlex).

We look forward to welcoming you to a lively and engaging discussion.
Registration from 14:30, event from 15:00 – 17:35


Guillaume Van der Loo Guillaume Van der Loo
Guillaume Van der Loo


Speakers list
Cecilia Malmström

EU Commissioner for Trade, European Commission

Olivia Baneth

Research Executive, Kantar

Daniel Gros

Director, CEPS

Sabine Weyand

Director-General DG Trade, European Commission

Léa Auffret

Senior Trade Policy Officer, BEUC

Heidi Hautala

MEP, Group of the Greens/EFA

Joanna Sopinska

Senior Trade Correspondent, Mlex