Conference is over

Social Investments for resilient economies and societies: EU fiscal rules fit for future

Employment, social affairs and inclusion,Economic and monetary affairs

Place du Congrès 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.


Social Investments for resilient economies and societies: EU fiscal rules fit for future


In-person event

On 26 April 2023, the European Commission presented a proposal for a reform of the economic governance framework. The objective is to strengthen debt sustainability and promote sustainable and inclusive growth through gradual fiscal consolidation, as well as via reforms and investments that should be growth-enhancing, support debt sustainability, and respond to common EU priorities, including the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Following the EC proposal, the Spanish Presidency and the Belgian Presidency of the EU has launched an Informal Working Group on Social Investment (IWGSI). The main objective of the IWG is to open a political debate on empirical evidence on micro and macroeconomic economic and social returns of social investments and reforms as well as monitoring and evaluation methodologies for tracking social investment returns. The IWG will further reflect on the contribution of social investments to economic growth and debt sustainability.

The IWG counts on 23 Member State, DG EMPL, the chairs of EMCO and SPC, the EP EMPL Committee and the European Social Partners. The activities of the IWG will be the basis for the preparation of the ECOFIN-EPSCO (JUMBO) council meeting that will take place in March 2024. In that occasion, Economic and Finance Ministers and Employment and Social Affairs ministers will be invited to discuss about the interplay between social investments and reforms, economic growth, macro-economic stabilization, and upward social convergence.

This High-level Conference will be the occasion to present the key messages and preliminary findings of the Informal Working Group activities.

Full agenda available here

Registration ends 07 November

Cinzia Alcidi Cinzia Alcidi
Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit

Speakers list
Francesco Corti

Advisor to the Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Health

Milagros Paniagua

Secretary General of Objectives and Policies for Inclusion and Social Welfare (Ministry Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, Spain)

Prof. Enrico Giovannini

Professor (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)

Ilze Plavgo

Junior Professor of Sociology of the Welfare State, University of Mannheim

Brian Burgoon

Professor of International and Comparative Political Economy, University of Amsterdam

Christian Morabito

Expert (Save the Children)

Lorenzo Serrano

Professor of Economic Analysis, Instituto valenciano de investigaciones económicas (IVIE)

Bea Cantillon

Emeritus Professor (University of Antwerp)

Erik Canton

Deputy chief economist Research and Innovation (DG ECFIN)

Milagros Paniagua

Ministry Inclusion, Social Security & Migrations, Spain

Justina Jakštienė

Vice Minister of Social Security and Labour Ministry Lithuania

Cillian Nolan

Executive Director (J-PAL Europe)

Olivier Bontout

Deputy Head of Unit - Social Policies, Child Guarantee and Social Protection Committee (DG EMPL)

Eric Marlier


Vinzenz Ziesemer

Director of the Institute for Public Economy (Instituut voor Publieke Economie)

Philippa Sigl-Glöckner

Director (Dezernat Zukunft)

Massimo Suardi

Director Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Macroeconomic policies (DG ECFIN)

Roel Beetsma

Member of the European Fiscal Board and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (University of Amsterdam)

Zsolt Darvas

Senior Fellow (Bruegel)

Ole Funke


Prof. Abhijit Banerjee

Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Nicolas Schmit

Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

José Luis Escrivá

Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Spain

Frank Vandenbroucke

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Health, Belgium

Margarida Marques

Member of the European Parliament