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IMF’s 2019 Fall Fiscal Monitor:

Energy, climate change and the environment

Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

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IMF’s 2019 Fall Fiscal Monitor:

Mitigating Climate Change


The IMF’s Fiscal Monitor provides a toolkit for climate mitigation policies. It discusses the pros and cons of alternative mitigation instruments including carbon taxes, trading systems, regulations, and tax-subsidy schemes. A quantitative analysis is provided for G20 countries illustrating the impacts of carbon pricing, what prices are consistent with countries’ Paris mitigation pledges, and the trade-offs with other policy instruments. The design and impacts of a carbon price floor arrangement among large emitters that could complement the Paris Agreement are considered. The report also discusses strategies for enhancing the acceptability of mitigation policies and supporting measures needed to ensure adequate investment in low-emission technologies.

Registration from 09.00 – Meeting from 09.30 – 11.15

Monica Alessi Monica Alessi
Monica Alessi

Programme Manager

Speakers list
Ian Parry

Fiscal Affairs Department’s Principal Environmental Fiscal Policy Expert, IMF

Jorge Núñez Ferrer

Senior Research Fellow, CEPS

Sven Langedijk

DG ECFIN, European Commission (on fiscal aspects of climate change mitigation)

Åsa Johannesson Lindén

DG ECFIN, European Commission (broader aspects of EU energy and climate policy framework)