In-person event
The challenges facing Europe today—ranging from rapid technological advancements to shifts in globalisation and migration flows—demand a skilled and adaptable workforce. However, persistent inequalities and skill mismatches remain significant barriers to inclusive growth and prosperity.
This conference aims to explore the critical drivers for creating a more equitable and skilled Europe.
Drawing on research findings from the GI-NI project, the event will foster a debate to identify effective policies, innovations, and strategies to ensure no one is left behind during this era of transformation.
A diverse panel of policymakers, academic scholars, and social partner representatives will address key questions such as:
• What future scenarios and challenges lie ahead for Europe?
• How can the negative impacts of major transformations be mitigated effectively?
• What strategies can Europe adopt to bridge skills gaps and promote competitiveness and
• How can EU policies be utilised to develop a truly inclusive labour market?
• What lessons can Europe learn from international experiences in addressing labour market transformations?
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement number 101004494.