Conference is over

Digitized Labor

CEPS Working Party Room - 3rd floor
Place du Congrès 1 - 1000 Brussels

Participation in this event is exceptionally free of charge. A sandwich lunch will be served from 12.30 onwards.


Digitized Labor

the Impact of the Internet on Employment

Book Presentation:
Digitized Labor: the Impact of the  Internet on Employment” by Lorenzo Pupillo, Eli Noam and Len Waverman
Lorenzo Pupillo is Associate Senior Research Fellow at CEPS, Head of the Cybersecurity@CEPS Initiative and an affiliated researcher at Columbia Institute for Tele Information at Columbia Business School. Eli Noam is Professor of Economics and Finance and also Garrett Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility at the Columbia Business School. Leonard Waverman is Dean of the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University.?
This book provides new evidence for the Impact of the Internet on jobs. All of the empirical articles indicate that the Internet has indeed created many new jobs, but that a large number of jobs may have been destroyed or downgraded, at least in the short run. Furthermore, routinization, job market polarisation and new labour market inequalities have emerged. Thus, while the diffusion of the Internet is generating opportunities it also comes with ambiguous trends that by themselves will not generate a more resilient and inclusive labour market. These changes cannot be dealt with as business-as-usual by governments and the private sector. Failing to mitigate short-term job losses risks pushbacks and restrictive policy responses that threaten to slow down the ICT Revolution.
?Read the Book Introduction here ?
Lorenzo Pupillo Lorenzo Pupillo
Lorenzo Pupillo

Associate Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Cybersecurity@CEPS Initiative

Speakers list
Eli Noam

Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia Business School, New York

Andrea Glorioso

Policy Officer (Future of Work), DG CONNECT, European Commission

Karolien Lenaerts

Research Fellow, CEPS

Vincenzo Spiezia

Senior Economist and Head of the Information and Communication Technologies Unit of the DSTI, OECD, Paris