In-person event is over

AI and democracy: foes or friends?

CEPS Conference Room
Place du Congrès 1, Brussels, Belgium

This in-person event is free and open to the public but registration is mandatory.

In-person event

AI and democracy: foes or friends?

CEPS discusses 'Why AI Undermines Democracy and What To Do About It'


Please note that this event is in-person-only, with the exception of CEPS members, who may request a link to follow virtually.

The role of emerging digital technologies for democracy have again been brought into question by recent events. The examples of the annulment of the Romanian elections and the announcement of Meta to drop their fact-checking program with the intention of ‘restoring free expression’ (following Musk’s example with X) are merely indicative. We need to understand the risks that emerging technologies, including AI, pose to democracy, but also consider how we could turn AI into an opportunity to strengthen it

During this ‘CEPS discusses’ event, Prof Mark Coeckelbergh presents his latest book Why AI Undermines Democracy and What To Do About It. He argues that AI, as currently used and developed, undermines fundamental principles on which liberal democracies are founded, such as freedom and equality. His work leads us to consider the following questions: how can we make democracy more resilient in the face of AI? And, more positively, what can AI do for democracy?  

Our panel of experts will explore these questions and more with Prof Coeckelbergh in this event.  


Paula Gürtler Paula Gürtler
Paula Gürtler

Associate Researcher

Speakers list
Prof Mark Coeckelbergh

Professor of Philosophy at University of Vienna

Elizabeth Calderón Lüning

Mission Lead for Democracy and Technology & Practice Lead for Research at Democratic Society

Berta Mizsei

Researcher, CEPS