Conference is over

2019 ECMI Annual Conference: Unlocking Europe’s Hidden Capital Markets

Square de Meeûs, Brussels, Belgium

Registration is free of charge for ECMI/ECRI/CEPS members, EU/national institutions, academia, and press. Other participants may be admitted for €200 (online payment).


2019 ECMI Annual Conference: Unlocking Europe’s Hidden Capital Markets


As the EU is setting its priorities for the next five years, a rigorous assessment of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) and a new focus is required. The CMU has been successful in terms of legislation, but much less so in its impact on markets, which remain highly fragmented. There is a need for re-branding and political support at the highest level if CMU is to achieve its objectives. Last year, our annual conference focused on equity markets. This year, we will bring together policymakers, industry representatives and academics to exchange views on the continuation of the CMU, the functioning of sovereign and corporate debt securities markets as well as feature a special debate on sustainable finance.





Karel Lannoo Karel Lannoo
Karel Lannoo

Chief Executive Officer

Speakers list
Fabrice Demarigny

Global Head of Financial Advisory Services and Capital Markets Activities, Mazars and Chairman of ECMI Boar

Andrei Kirilenko

Associate Professor in Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Steven Maijoor

Chairman, ESMA

Gabriel Bernardino

Chairman, EIOPA

Jean-Marc Mercier

Global Head of Debt Capital Markets, HSBC

Mario Nava

Director for Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA, European Commission

Swenja Surminski

Head of Adaptation Research, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE

Mats Isaksson

Head of the Corporate Affairs Division, OECD

Natacha Valla

Deputy Director General of Monetary Policy, European Central Bank

Eva Wimmer

Deputy Director General for Financial Market Policy, German Federal Ministry of Finance

Pascal Christory

Chief Investment Officer, AXA Group

Josina Kamerling

Head of Regulatory Outreach EMEA, CFA Institute

Paul Tang

MEP, ECON Committee

Markus Ferber

MEP, ECON Committee

Boudewijn Dierick

Head of ABS Markets, BNP Paribas

Cinzia Alcidi

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Economic Policy Unit, CEPS

Danuta Hübner

MEP, ECON Committee

Luca Bagato

Head of Fixed Income and ETF Sales, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)

Martina Tambucci

Head of Regulation Office, Consob

Daragh Clancy

Principal Economist, European Stability Mechanism

Andrei Kirilenko

Associate Professor in Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge replaced by Jesper Lau Hansen, Professor of Financial Markets Law, University of Copenhagen