David Rinaldi
CEPS Staff

David Rinaldi

Associate Research Fellow

David Rinaldi

David Rinaldi

Associate Research Fellow

David is an Associate Research Fellow at CEPS and covers EU investment and budgetary policy.

He currently works at FEPS as Senior Economic Policy Advisor and is Maître de Conférences at the ULB – Institute for European Studies, where he teaches European Economic Governance.

Before joining CEPS, David worked as research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, as academic assistant at the College of Europe (European Economic Studies Department), as consultant on public finances at the Council of Europe (Social Cohesion Division), and as account manager in private banking.

David holds a PhD in Economics from the DEFAP Graduate School in Public Economics in Milan and carried out study visits at the University of Nottingham, Bocconi University and University of Zaragoza. Internships at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York and at the United Nations – Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa complement his education.

The full list of publication is available on Academia.edu and ResearchGate. His op-eds are to be found on Europe is Talking (in English) and on the Huffington Post Italia (in Italian).

Twitter: @Rinaldi_David

PhD in Economics from the DEFAP Graduate School in Public Economics in Milan. BA in Economics and MSc in Economic and Social Sciences from the University of Florence.