21 Feb 2018

Value Chains based on Mineral Raw Materials

Challenges for European Policy and Industry

Aurélie Faure-Schuyer / Christian Egenhofer / Milan Elkerbout

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This report is meant to provide background and serve as a starting point for a series of stakeholder discussions on the future of the EU’s value chains based on mineral raw materials. It describes the transformation the industry is currently undergoing, and identifies both the challenges and the opportunities it faces.

This report is not intended to give a complete analysis or draw final conclusions, but rather to stimulate further discussion on the most relevant challenges. It attempts to anticipate the controversies and to identify different stakeholder positions.

Keywords: mineral raw materials, value chains, trade, Europe, skills, employment

Aurélie Faure-Schuyer is Research Fellow at the CEPS Energy Climate House. Christian Egenhofer is Senior Fellow, Head of the Energy and Climate programme and Director of the CEPS Energy Climate House. Milan Elkerbout is Research Fellow at the CEPS Energy Climate House.