07 Mar 2013

Two decades on from the break-up of Czechoslovakia: Departures, diversions and destinations

Tim Haughton / Martina Rubešková / Helena Schulzová / Michal Šimečka

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Twenty years after the split of Czechoslovakia, expert analysts from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the UK shed light on the political geography of this part of Central Europe in an extended three-part Commentary. The end points in the Euro-Atlantic integration processes of the successor states may be similar, argue the authors, but the journeys have been very different. Recent experience would suggest that in terms of EU politics, the Slovaks will be rather passive whilst the Czechs might be a little more troublesome. On the domestic front, the political discourse and competition in both states will largely revolve around the question of competence and corruption.  

Authors Martina Rubešková and Helena Schulzová are analysts at EUROPEUM, Institute for European Policy, Prague. Michal Šime?ka is a PhD Candidate in Politics at Nuffield College of the University of Oxford. Tim Haughton is Reader in European Politics and Director of the Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Birmingham.