Authors: Sergio Carrera and Karel Lannoo
Series: CEPS Commentary / No. of pp: 4
In the wake of the long-awaited State of the Union address delivered by Jean-Claude Juncker on September 9th, Sergio Carrera and Karel Lannoo express deep disappointment with the EU’s response, both in scope and in ambition. In their view, two key challenges lie behind the current asylum crisis. First, existing EU rules do not fit the purpose and the second challenge relates to the systemic failure of states like Greece, Hungary and Italy to adhere to the democratic rule of law principles and fundamental rights.
Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Maastricht. Karel Lannoo is Chief Executive Officer at CEPS. An earlier version of this commentary was published by EurActiv, 8 September 2015. It is republished here with their kind permission.