05 Oct 2022

The Five ‘I’s of EU defence

Inclusive integration for effective investment, innovation and institutions

Dylan Macchiarini Crosson / Steven Blockmans

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At the crossroads of industrial policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the European Union’s (EU) defence initiatives are accelerating with the political backing of both the EU institutions and key Member States. Russia’s war in Ukraine has played a seminal role in the introduction of taboo-breaking proposals to strengthen EU defence capabilities. In order to be effective, the EU must adopt the mantra of ‘inclusive integration’, recognising that increased cooperation amongst Member States, candidate countries, and like-minded partners makes the Union stronger. Policy actions under this mantra should thus aim to complete the regulatory framework of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, continue providing the right incentives for joint capabilities development, address the needs of Member State armed forces, maintain the EU’s technological cutting edge and  guarantee continued political momentum.

This policy brief has been published in the context of CEPS’ Forum on the Future of European Industry.