As in the two previous editions of Think Global – Act European (TGAE), this report, directed by Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow at Notre Europe, focuses on the medium-term, covering the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Trio Presidency, which will run from July 2011 to December 2012.
Such a focus allows for an in-depth analysis of the Trio’s role, both front-stage and back-stage, as it develops in the context of the Lisbon Treaty’s implementation. Accordingly, the authors of this report, coming from 16 European think tanks, take stock of the initiatives adopted during the past Trio Presidency, identify emerging challenges and formulate concrete short- to medium-term proposals aiming for rapid policy-progress.
Overall, the 18-month time frame to which each new edition of TGAE is devoted produces, from one report to the next, a comprehensive chronological picture of the EU’s development.
Click here to download the report from the Notre Europe’s website.