This study is intended to support the REFIT Sectoral Fitness Check of the Construction Sector, undertaken by the European Commission and expected to be published in the spring of 2017. The Sectoral Fitness Check aims at examining how various EU legal acts impact on the construction sector, and at identifying possible areas of improvement, including reduction of regulatory costs and burdens and a better alignment of provisions, if applicable. The analysis included evaluating the efficiency, coherence, effectiveness, relevance and EU added value of most relevant provisions of EU legislation, with respect to the objectives for a more competitive and sustainable construction sector, in particular for SMEs. Particular attention was paid to identifying any synergy or inefficiencies arising from these acts.
CEPS was part of a consortium, led by Economisti Associati, that was commissioned to carry out a “Study on EU legislation on internal market and energy efficiency legislation”. The study comprises three parts, which have been consolidated into a single PDF file for ease of download on the CEPS website. Each of these three parts can also be downloaded separately from the Commission’s website, as follows:
- Executive summary (
- Main report:
- Annexes:
CEPS’ authors include: Andrea Renda, Felice Simonelli, Edoardo Storti, Romain Bosc, Christian Egenhofer and Igor Taranic.
For more information on the Commission’s REFIT programme, see