01 Jul 2014

Renewables in the EU: Policy performance, drivers and barriers

Inga Boie / Anne Held / Mario Ragwitz / Fabio Genoese

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Fabio Genoese, Research Fellow at CEPS, has co-authored a Policy Brief with the DIA-CORE project, carried out under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Union. In the context of the project, the authors are carrying out a broad, quantitative assessment of the relevance of factors framing the diffusion of renewable energy technologies in the EU. The analysis covers both economic and non-economic factors and places particular emphasis on the relationship between them.

The assessment of framework factors (determinants), which may be barriers or drivers, draws upon an EU-wide survey conducted among stakeholders, whereas the policy performance indicators are based on an ex-post evaluation of the development of support payments, technology costs and the actual deployment of renewables from 2007 to 2014 in all 28 EU member states. This Policy Brief reports the initial findings of the survey based on responses received as of May 2014. It also presents the initial results of the assessment of policy performance indicators.

The main objective of the DI-CORE project is to ensure a continuous assessment of the existing policy mechanisms and to establish a fruitful stakeholder dialogue on future policy needs for renewable electricity (RES-E), heating & cooling (RES-H) and transport (RES-T). Thus, DIA-CORE seeks to facilitate convergence in RES support across the EU and to enhance investments, cooperation and coordination.

In addition to Fabio Genoese of CEPS, the other co-authors are Inga Boie, Anne Held and Mario Ragwitz, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research (ISI), Karlsruhe.

The paper can also be downloaded here.