03 Dec 2015

The Path towards 1.5 degrees Celsius

Awwad Atiah Alharthi

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Author: Awwad Atiah Alharthi

Series: CEPS Policy Brief No. 336  No of pp: 10

In less than one year, the country-led exercise in preparing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) has accomplished what the top-down approach characteristic of the UNFCCC has not been able to achieve in over 21 years of negotiations, namely to produce a sound agreement to reduce climate change. As such, the UNFCCC should adopt a new process similar to that used in developing the INDCs, in which Parties to the Convention would mobilise their national efforts, but on a wider scale and under certain agreed binding conditions.

To ensure a comprehensive engagement, this Policy Brief recommends the introduction of a four-tier system in which the most developed nations are called upon to take the lead, but with the very least developed nations also contributing to the intended UN objective.

Awwad Atiah Alharthi is a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), AR4, WGIII.