06 Jul 2023

Patchwork procurement? How to bridge parallel initiatives in EU joint defence procurement

Cédric Lombaerts / Lucrezia Sala

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The EU’s defence-industrial base was conceived during peacetime and, because of the ensuing market fragmentation, does not seem fit for purpose to deal with wartime. In an attempt to remedy this, the EU launched several parallel joint defence procurement initiatives (EDIRPA, EDIP, the three-track approach under the European Peace Facility).

Between these initiatives, it is easy to lose sight of the forest in the trees of joint procurement. How do these parallel tracks of procurement tie in together? Are they not fragmenting collaborative procurement efforts even further?

This CEPS Policy Brief sheds clarity on the interplay between these initiatives and suggests four pragmatic paths towards an overarching joint defence procurement framework while playing into the most salient deadlocks in joint defence procurement today.

This Policy Brief was drafted through the CEPS Young Thinkers Initiative. This an innovative forum driven by and for youth to build essential professional and leadership skills while elevating youth voices from diverse backgrounds to participate in forward-looking European policy debates of crucial importance.