23 Sep 2014

A New Start for the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? Setting of Priorities for the New European Commission

Sergio Carrera / Elspeth Guild

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The nomination of a First Vice-President (Frans Timmermans) in charge of rule of law and the EU Charter of Fundamental is one of the more far-reaching innovations contained in the new institutional shape of the Juncker Commission. This CEPS Commentary by Sergio Carrera and Elspeth Guild welcomes the fact that a new fundamental rights and rule of law First Vice-President will exercise a coordination and advisory role over the other two JHA Commissioners – V?ra Jourová, responsible for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality (DG Justice); and Dimitris Avramopoulos, responsible for Migration and Home Affairs (DG Home Affairs), but expresses a note caution whether this new role and triangular relationship can be made to work effectively in practice.

Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Justice and Home Affairs unit at CEPS. Elspeth Guild is Senior Associate Fellow at CEPS and Jean Monnet Professor ad personam, Radboud University, Nijmegen and Queen Mary, University of London. This commentary is one of a series prepared by senior CEPS researchers aimed at contributing to the selection and review process of the new European Commission. A more detailed version was published as a CEPS Essay, “The Juncker Commission: A New Start for EU Justice and Home Affairs Policy”, 18 September 2014.