05 Jun 2013

Local and Regional Authorities and the EU’s External Borders: A Multi-Level Governance Assessment of Schengen Governance and ‘Smart Borders’

Sergio Carrera / Nicholas Hernanz / Joanna Parkin


This information note commissioned by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) situates the work of the CoR and the interests and concerns of local and regional authorities (LRAs), in current EU inter-institutional debates on Schengen and EU external borders. It focuses in particular on the Schengen Governance Package and the Smart Borders Package adopted by the Commission in September 2011 and February 2013 respectively. These legislative proposals are indicative of the parallel but interconnected trends currently running through EU policy debates and developments on ‘borders’: both raise questions of competence, practical effects, and repercussions for mutual trust and solidarity and both constitute major developments within the so-called EU Integrated Border Management (IBM) Strategy.

The authors are researchers in the Justice and Home Affairs research unit at CEPS.

Download at: http://cor.europa.eu/en/documentation/studies/Documents/LRAs_and_EU_external_borders/LRAs_and_EU_external_borders.pdf