18 Sep 2014

The Juncker Commission: A New Start for EU Justice and Home Affairs Policy?

Sergio Carrera / Elspeth Guild

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Does Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission herald a new start for Justice and Home Affairs cooperation in the EU? This essay outlines the main structural and thematic changes introduced by the new Commission, in particular those with direct or indirect relevance to Justice and Home Affairs or to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The authors also reflect on what the new institutional configuration might mean for the substantive work of the Commission services and for their intra- and inter-institutional relations. They conclude with a set of policy priorities for the new European Commission.

Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Justice and Home Affairs section at CEPS. Elspeth Guild is Senior Associate Fellow at CEPS and Jean Monnet Professor ad personam, Radboud University, Nijmegen and Queen Mary, University of London.