04 Dec 2015

Household Final Consumption in the EU: The key driver for a sustainable recovery?

Sylvain Bouyon

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Author: Sylvain Bouyon

Series: ECRI Commentary No. 18  No of pp: 4

This commentary finds that after four to five years of poor performance, final consumption of households is expected to recover significantly in 2015 and 2016. This is all the more important since final consumption of households was the main driver of economic growth during the 12 years preceding the financial crisis. Some obstacles still stand in the way, however, preventing a sustainable recovery in private consumption. 

This ECRI Commentary is one of two on the topic of household consumption in the EU, published simultaneously by the same author; ECRI Commentary No.19, entitled “What drives household consumption in the EU-28?” looks at the main factors that have influenced EU-28 household consumption since 2001.

Sylvain Bouyon is a CEPS-ECRI Research Fellow.