03 Mar 2015

Green, Pink & Silver?

The Future of Labour in Europe - Volume 2

Miroslav Beblavy / Ilaria Maselli / Marcela Veselkova

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Work is both an essential part of our daily lives and one of the major policy concerns across Europe. In this second volume of The Future of Labour in Europe, the authors explain in accessible language the findings of the NEUJOBS project on the job prospects of key industries and groups of people. They use three colours – green, pink and silver – to pinpoint areas with the largest challenges as well as the greatest potential. The conclusions are addressed to policy-makers, the business world, journalists, fellow academics and to anyone interested in the shape, size and character of the labour markets of tomorrow.

Miroslav Beblavý is a Senior Research Fellow in the Jobs and Skills unit at CEPS and also a Member of the Slovak Parliament. Ilaria Maselli is a Research Fellow in the Jobs and Skills unit of CEPS and Marcela Veselková is a Senior Research Fellow at the Slovak Governance Institute.