23 Aug 2016

Georgia and Europe – A short guide

Michael Emerson / Tamara Kovziridze

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Now also available in Georgian translation for free download.

The new relationship between Georgia and the European Union is the focus of this accessible, non-technical short guide. This relationship is based on a complex treaty: an Association Agreement with extensive political, economic and legal content, signed in 2014 and entered fully into force on 1 July 2016. The Agreement includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA).

This booklet is a summary of a longer Handbook entitled Deepening EU-Georgian Relations: What, why and how?, which explains the contents of the treaty in much greater depth. The Handbook, like the present booklet, is also freely available at www.3dcftas.eu in both English and Georgian. Both publications follow the same chapter structure, which allows readers who wish to dig deeper into the subject to readily find their way in the longer Handbook.

This short guide is produced as part of a project supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and is one of a trilogy, with comparable companion texts also published on Moldova and Ukraine. Michael Emerson is Associate Senior Research Fellow at CEPS, and Tamara Kovziridze is Founder and Director of Reformatics.

Authors: Michael Emerson and Tamara Kovziridze

Series: CEPS Special Report     No of pp: 44 pp