ESF Working Paper No. 23 / 36 pages
Tackling the multifaceted theme of the security of EU energy supplies, this ESF Working Paper contains highly topical and authoritative contributions by four main authors. From the point of view of EU policy, Christian Egenhofer considers the issues involved in “Integrating Security of Supply, Market Liberalisation and Climate Change”, with reference to the European Commission’s 2006 Green Paper on energy. Elaborating on supply relations with Russia and Eastern Europe, Leonid Grigoriev presents “Growth and Growth with Energy”. Vladimir Socor examines options for diversification in the “Caspian–Black Sea Region: Key to Diversifying Europe’s Energy Supplies”. Alan Riley takes a critical look at the role of energy market liberalisation in enhancing energy security and its (lack of) progress in the EU in “Energy Security, Gas Market Liberalisation and Our Energy Relationship with Russia”. Finally, the paper benefits from a substantial summing-up by François Heisbourg.