04 Oct 2012

ECMI Statistical Package 2012

PDF Version

Francesco Grosso / Diego Valiante


The ECMI Statistical Package represents a comprehensive collection of relevant data on the dynamics of various segments of the European capital markets, complete with graphical representations and explanatory commentary. It enables users to trace trends in European and global capital markets, so as to highlight their ongoing transformation through structural changes brought about by competitive forces, innovation, regulation or broader policy initiatives. The 2012 Statistical Package will offer users the most up to date information on the state of European capital markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis. It represents an indispensable one-stop-shop product for those researching and investigating capital markets in Europe.

The 2012 version includes disaggregated data on equity markets for each stock exchange belonging to the same group. The package also compiles a wide range of MiFID statistics for pan-European and national trading venues. Moreover, the debt securities section has been upgraded with data about securitisation and the section on exchange-traded derivatives now includes a complete stock and index options and futures overview. The asset management section has been then enriched with data about pension funds and insurance companies. Finally, a section on global comparative data presents a qualitative analysis by our senior staff of main global capital market trends.

Click here to download the table of contents, a full description and sample figures