21 Feb 2017

Design of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme

Miroslav Beblavy / Karolien Lenaerts / Ilaria Maselli

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In this extensive report, we assess how a European unemployment benefit scheme (EUBS) could be designed. To this end, we examine 18 EUBS variants, 4 equivalent and 14 genuine schemes, and their key features. Some of these features can also be found in national unemployment benefit schemes, while others are more related to the EUBS context. We analyse the design of a common EUBS in previous literature and combine these insights with results for the legal and operational options as well as constraints and the economic value added obtained as part of our study on the “Feasibility and Added Value of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme”. All this information is integrated into a summary fiche for each of the 18 EUBS variants studied. In addition, the report deals with a range of policy issues including convergence, minimum requirements and accession criteria.

Miroslav Beblavý is Senior Research Fellow at CEPS and Karolien Lenaerts is Researcher at CEPS. Ilaria Maselli is Senior Economist at The Conference Board. The authors are grateful to the consortium partners for their feedback and input. The authors are also grateful to Gabriele Marconi for his contribution in the early stages of the project. This report was prepared for the study entitled “Feasibility and Added Value of a European Unemployment Benefits Scheme” commissioned by DG EMPL and carried out by a Consortium led by CEPS.