22 Aug 2017

Cumulative Cost Assessment of the EU Glass Industry

Andrea Renda / Felice Simonelli

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A Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) aims to identify, assess and, where possible, quantify the cumulative cost generated by selected areas of EU legislation on a given industrial sector. It is retrospective and strictly centred on EU rules. The CCA is all about costs. Hence, it does not include the benefit side of rules, nor does it assess the cost-benefit balance of the legislation.

Based on about 50 interviews conducted with European producers of glass, the CCA of the EU glass industry quantified regulatory costs borne in the last 10 years by EU manufacturers of packaging glass, glass tableware and flat glass and stemming from EU legislation in the following areas: i) Internal Market; ii) energy; iii) climate; iv) environment; v) workers’ and workplace safety; and vi) consumers and health legislation. The CCA also compared regulatory costs with production costs and margins registered by glass manufacturers, thus revealing the impact of regulation on competitiveness. Regulatory costs represent between 2% to 5% of production costs in the three sectors under investigation; by contrast, they constitute a more prominent share of margins, especially in years of crisis.

The CCA of the EU glass industry, funded by the European Commission (DG GROW), was performed by a consortium led by CEPS and comprising Economisti Associati and Ecorys. It is part of a broader study covering the EU ceramics and glass industries. The companion CCA of the EU ceramics industry can be downloaded here.

Download the Key Findings and Executive Summary here.


CEPS (Leader)

Andrea Renda (Project Director), Felice Simonelli (Project Manager), Jacques Pelkmans, Mattia Di Salvo, Federica Mustilli, Edoardo Storti, Christian Egenhofer, Eleanor Drabik, Katja Tuokko, Igor Taranic, Fabio Genoese, Andrei Marcu and Wijnand Stoefs

Economisti Associati (Partner)

Enrico Giannotti and Giacomo Luchetta

Ecorys (Partner)

Jan Maarten de Vet (Deputy Project Director), Andreas Pauer, Olga Abramczyk, Elodie Salle and Luca Giustozzi

Both CCAs can also be downloaded from the Commission’s website:
